Diagnosis and treatment of cardiac aphthous ulcers


bend cycle is an excellent flexible mechanism that made it sick. Meanwhile, this is a very good thing for people with disabilities and overly obese people who have lost the ability to move. Count how many times a day he moves and you will come to the conclusion that the curve is the most mobile part of the ODS. Not surprisingly, diseases often choose him as a target.One such is the cyclic cycle gonaprose or aprosis.

Knee arthrosis

How to Diagnose and Treat Cyclic Cycle Osteoarthritis

Aptosis of the knee cycle is the gradual disintegration of the hyaline cartilage - a thin plate surrounding the knee.

What is the reason for this?

gonaprosthesis due to injury

Due to the complexity of the construction, any inertial movement is associated with unstable rotation of the knee, associated with greater physical strain and strain. Such injuries are often accompanied by light aircraft and players.

  • With the loss of some time lost movement, cycling loses opportunities.
  • If you are Bopotchia v.
  • All of this causes cartilage wear and the initial symptoms of aphthous ulcers.

Trauma is not the only cause of pathology.

Internal Etiology of Expediency

Osteoarthritis of the colon occurs on the general background of a deficiency of two important components in the organization:

  • Cartilage, which is cartilaginous and is made for its maintenance and lubrication
  • Collagen - fibrillar protein, gives strong elasticity and strength
  • Pain and cramping while riding a bike, sometimes even on the move (symptom of synovial fluid deficiency) Do not be afraid of the slightest crisis: in young people it is due to weak ligaments or mobility of the bike
  • Thickening of the bone under the hyaline layer
  • Identification of tissues surrounding diseased bees

These symptoms define the different stages of the disease, the symptoms of which are listed below. Let’s get back to the reasons.

Here the causes, other than the consequences of injuries, are hidden inside.

Causes of the beating cycle

Because some people develop early cartilage tissue deficiency, it is difficult to say.

It is generally believed that it is responsible for the extra metabolism of substances in which the metabolism of amino acids and essential micronutrients is lost or honey is needed.

Wines are listed here for the following reasons:

Certain diseases of the immune system
  • The way you feel about yourself: Balance- e. წ. Hereditary causes. It's pretty easy to be sure of a genetic predisposition: See what your grandparents are like and ask them what diseases they have
  • Excessive hormonal balance:Especially such disorders occur during a period of estrogen deficiency in the female body - it is an important hormone that is essential for octosynthesis. It is not in vain that a large proportion of victims of aphthous ulcers - women of perfect age, who should not start at all, but already have the wisdom, ie the value of "more than 50"
  • Medical Conditions:often aptisons are considered venous insufficiency, venous thrombosis and other diseases
  • Mental Condition:If you think stress is just the opposite of mood, you are wrong - stress can inhibit metabolism to anabolic state
  • Aptosis factor is too high

    What are the same symptoms that make you suspect this unfortunate pathology?

    Symptoms of suppression in stages

    Symptoms of osteoarthritis

    First Stage

    In the first stage, the following symptoms appear:

    • Slightly painful after a long walk, climbing stairs, etc. Sh. Download
    • Calmness after a state of mind
    • There is no deviation in the knee, but it may be slightly swollen due to accumulated fluid: this phenomenon is called blue
    • Liquid can also be collected in the back - a delicate cavity, forming a sour cream, which is often taken by firearms

      Second Stage

      The second step states the following:

      • Increased pain after exercise and movement and the appearance of characteristic mushroom bark
      • Improve your fitness
      • movement before or even up to 90 degrees is based on a pain symptom that is so severe that it is impossible to complete it
      • The bones become thicker and thicker due to the onset of the deformity - this can be detected by feeling
      • Synovitis can kill ycy

      Scene Type

      In the third stage, which is already defined as the late deformed depot of the bicycle cycle, the symptoms appear:

      • Persistent pain that does not go away at night: Colic twitching and twisting, especially in cold raw weather
      • Slow reduction in motion amplitude: not more than 90 degrees or less
      • Change of gait:
        • The patient starts grumbling, slowly walks on hot feet, evaporates
        • It is especially difficult to walk on stairs
      • Visible strong deformation with a mixture of cycles - because of this, the legs have the letter "X" or "O" shape
      • At this point, it is usually badly destroyed and ossification is done to enable it
      • then calcium deposits move to the surface of the bike, causing the wheel to take on a violently uneven look
      • due to strong deformations and lack of blue fluid, knee movement is very painful
      • Gradually builds almost complete immobility in the knee - depopulation of the late deformed knee cycle

      Treatment of gonaprosis

      Treatment of this disease is difficult and lengthy, effective only in the early stages. In recent years, conservative treatment has only performed to alleviate the patient’s condition.

      An important preliminary step is diagnosis.

      To diagnose and determine if the cause of the pain is injury or disorders, it is best to use a pentogen or MPT cycler.

      is ​​diagnosed with appendicitis if it is noted:

      • Dysfunction or lack of cartilage
      • A small gap between the cicada and the capsule.

      Conceptual treatment

      If necessary, important treatment condition:

      • Compliance with rest and light load mode
      • taking painkillers (in case of severe pain - in the form of intracyclic injections)
      • Bicycle fluid injections are also used in the third to fourth stages of aprosis
      • The following types of physiotherapy are effective in gonapotosis:
        • UVT (Free Wave Therapy)
        • Electrical Optimization
        • Needle therapy
        • Magnetotherapy
        • radiofrequency therapy and a. Sh.
      Restorative treatment

      Reconstructive treatment

      To prevent compression and even more immobility, the knees will do a cool job after calming down late at night -

      There is also a long cyclical process of replacing the original components of cartilage - the preparation - the hoses.

      Note: In the third stage, it is impossible to cure pulmonary cycle aphthous ulcers with chondroprotectors.

      Do not follow unsubstantiated advertisements and do not waste money on expensive, useless medicines.

      Hyperglycemic treatment

      Only effective treatment after surgery - replacement of the lost function of the bicycle with an endoprosthesis.

      But remember:

      • How old is the proposal going slowly
      • There may be pain for years after surgery
      • long-term treatment with mechanical therapy and complex exercise therapy is necessary

      If a patient refuses surgery, then conservative maintenance treatment is prescribed to fight